Conference Venue
The 16th Annual CamTESOL Conference will be held on 7–9 February 2020, under the theme ‘21st Century ELT: Approaches for Effective Practices’.
The Conference will be hosted at the Institute of Technology Cambodia (ITC), which is a Cambodian Higher Education Institution founded in 1964 and was supported at that time by cooperation between the Cambodia and the former Soviet Union.
ITC (known as Sala Techno) is located approximately 5km from the centre of Phnom Penh on Russian Boulevard, the main road to Phnom Penh International Airport. If travelling from the centre of Phnom Penh, ITC is on the right hand side right after the Techno overpass.
If staying in central Phnom Penh, delegates should allow at least 45 minutes to travel from their hotel to ITC because of early morning traffic on Russian Boulevard. For transport options, please visit the Information for Visitors page.
Click here to view and download the full Phnom Penh map.